Prof. Hj. Kamaruzaman Jusoff

Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Professor Dr. Hj. Kamaruzaman Jusoff was born in 1958 in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia. He received his PhD in Forest Surveying Engineering from Cranfield University,England, UK in 1992. He pursued his Masters in Forest Engineering Operations & Forestry Science in University New Brunswick, Canada & Universiti Putra Malaysia,respectively. He is currently a Senior Professor (GradeVK6/B) with Universiti Putra Malaysia and has been aVisiting Professor with Harvard, Kyoto, Yale University and an Erasmus Mundus Professor with Lund University, Sweden, Warsaw University, Poland and ITC, The Netherlands. He has also been invited twice to deliver an airborne hyperspectral lectures to postgraduate students and staff of Oxford University Centre for Environment (OUCE). His field of expertise is in airborne hyperspectral imaging applications with a focus in digital image processing, while his current field of interests also covers a broad multi- andtransdisciplinary research approach, in particular research in higher education leadership to creating succession planningmodels and talent pools in Malaysian institutions of higher education. Prof. Kamaruzaman is very active in scholarly journals-book writing and publishing and he has published seven books and more than 300 citation indexed/impact journals. He is also the Editor-in-Chief/Editorial BoardMember of six international ISI/Scopus/Citation Indexed journals, and reviewer/referees for many DOAJ/oAo/CIJ papers ranging from arts, humanities, and social sciences to engineering and sciences. Prof. Kamaruzaman has been frequently invited as Plenary/Keynote Speakers for WSEAS and IACSIT Conferences, WHISPERS’09, ICATE08,ECER08, CSSR08/09, WHISPERS09 (IEEE Chapter on Image Processing), IACSIT Dubai 2009 Conferences, iCAST2010, STSS2010, UMIES 2010, CCCC2010 and 2011. Since 2007, he conducts and delivers ISI & Impact/Citation Indexed Journal Writing & Publishing Workshop to the Malaysian public and private universities, including a few research and government institutions like MIMOS Bhd, Institute of Health Management and Peninsular Malaysian Forestry Department HQ. On personal front, Prof Kamaruzaman’s approachable personality renders him a referral point for advice and insights for budding academics in the world of academia’s paper presentation at conferences, journal writing and publishing in impact & impact factor journals